= Websolute =
Count Emails Action Error code Error message Date Response
1 conquistadores3@iammagis.com getcurrentactions 99 Timeout waiting for value 05.06.2014 20:02:24 {"appid":"1dd8d191d38fff45e62564fcf67fdcd6","session":"eddx1dab614f3a62c0578d63182dd75a7acc","charset":"UTF-8","hx_lang":"en","ruk":"ddf35a5b-6b1c-448d-9d26-tab534098","debug ":{"startTime":1401998542094,"duration":2595,"headers":{"keep-alive":"timeout=10, max=196","connection":"Keep-Alive","access-control-allow-origin":"*","content-type":"text/plain; charset=utf-8","content-language":"es","transfer-encoding":"chunked","server":"nginx","date":"Thu, 05 Jun 2014 20:02:24 GMT"},"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/32.0.1700.107 Chrome/32.0.1700.107 Safari/537.36","method":"GET","retriesCount":0,"requestId":13,"httpStatus":200,"statusText":"OK","responseText":"{\"result\":99,\"source\":\"JEL\",\"error\":\"Timeout waiting for value\"}","aborted":false,"timedout":false}}
1 enisonoliveira@outlook.com cloneenv 19 Read timed out 04.06.2014 0:52:04 {"appid":"8bbcdbe336bf46994d990e856315af13","session":"d52x9c6d97b13822e6d8250ad0a645a251dc","domain":"env-7163543-clone106532","actionkey":" cloneenv;8bbcdbe336bf46994d990e856315af13;env-7163543-clone106532","charset":"UTF-8","hx_lang":"pt","ruk":"041793d7-7e12-47ee-8c1f-tab663807","debug":{"startTime":1401839424572,"duration":361492,"headers":{"keep-alive":"timeout=10, max=200","connection":"Keep-Alive","access-control-allow-origin":"*","content-type":"text/plain; charset=utf-8","content-language":"pt-BR","transfer-encoding":"chunked","server":"nginx","date":"Wed, 04 Jun 2014 00:52:04 GMT"},"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.131 Safari/537.36","method":"GET","retriesCount":0,"requestId":19,"httpStatus":200,"statusText":"OK","responseText":"{\"result\":19,\"source\":\"JEL\",\"error\":\"Read timed out\"}","aborted":false,"timedout":false}}

N Email
1 conquistadores3@iammagis.com
2 enisonoliveira@outlook.com

Active users: 33
Affected users: 2
Percent: 6,06%
= DNR =
Count Emails Action Error code Error message Date Response
1 jandosov@gmail.com write 4099 Container return error message: sh: /var/www/webroot/ROOT/ Permission denied 04.06.2014 10:07:59 {"appid":"b4e3d2cfb0855e8411f8cdf933d0cdd6","nodeType":"nginxphp","nodeid":-1,"path":"/var/www/webroot/ROOT/92.46. 62.194/new921/sites/default/settings.php","body":"<?php\n\n/**\n * @file\n * Drupal site-specific configuration file.\n *\n * IMPORTANT NOTE:\n * This file may have been set to read-only by the Drupal installation\n * program. If you make changes to this file, be sure to protect it again\n * after making your modifications. Failure to remove write permissions\n * to this file is a security risk.\n *\n * The configuration file to be loaded is based upon the rules below.\n *\n * The configuration directory will be discovered by stripping the\n * website's hostname from left to right and pathname from right to\n * left. The first configuration file found will be used and any\n * others will be ignored. If no other configuration file is found\n * then the default configuration file at 'sites/default' will be used.\n *\n * For example, for a fictitious site installed at\n * http://www.drupal.org/mysite/test/, the 'settings.php'\n * is searched in the following directories:\n *\n * - sites/www.drupal.org.mysite.test\n * - sites/drupal.org.mysite.test\n * - sites/org.mysite.test\n *\n * - sites/www.drupal.org.mysite\n * - sites/drupal.org.mysite\n * - sites/org.mysite\n *\n * - sites/www.drupal.org\n * - sites/drupal.org\n * - sites/org\n *\n * - sites/default\n *\n * If you are installing on a non-standard port number, prefix the\n * hostname with that number. For example,\n * http://www.drupal.org:8080/mysite/test/ could be loaded from\n * sites/8080.www.drupal.org.mysite.test/.\n */\n\n/**\n * Database settings:\n *\n * The $databases array specifies the database connection or\n * connections that Drupal may use. Drupal is able to connect\n * to multiple databases, including multiple types of databases,\n * during the same request.\n *\n * Each database connection is specified as an array of settings,\n * similar to the following:\n * @code\n * array(\n * 'driver' => 'mysql',\n * 'database' => 'databasename',\n * 'username' => 'username',\n * 'password' => 'password',\n * 'host' => 'localhost',\n * 'port' => 3306,\n * 'prefix' => 'myprefix_',\n * 'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci',\n * );\n * @endcode\n *\n * The \"driver\" property indicates what Drupal database driver the\n * connection should use. This is usually the same as the name of the\n * database type, such as mysql or sqlite, but not always. The other\n * properties will vary depending on the driver. For SQLite, you must\n * specify a database file name in a directory that is writable by the\n * webserver. For most other drivers, you must specify a\n * username, password, host, and database name.\n *\n * Some database engines support transactions. In order to enable\n * transaction support for a given database, set the 'transactions' key\n * to TRUE. To disable it, set it to FALSE. Note that the default value\n * varies by driver. For MySQL, the default is FALSE since MyISAM tables\n * do not support transactions.\n *\n * For each database, you may optionally specify multiple \"target\" databases.\n * A target database allows Drupal to try to send certain queries to a\n * different database if it can but fall back to the default connection if not.\n * That is useful for master/slave replication, as Drupal may try to connect\n * to a slave server when appropriate and if one is not available will simply\n * fall back to the single master server.\n *\n * The general format for the $databases array is as follows:\n * @code\n * $databases['default']['default'] = $info_array;\n * $databases['default']['slave'][] = $info_array;\n * $databases['default']['slave'][] = $info_array;\n * $databases['extra']['default'] = $info_array;\n * @endcode\n *\n * In the above example, $info_array is an array of settings described above.\n * The first line sets a \"default\" database that has one master database\n * (the second level default). The second...
1 ukosotnikov@mail.ru restart/restartcontainer 99 javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: VZAgent responded with error 05.06.2014 10:23:50 {"appid":"f92121ce8b6edd461a7b43e7afd6d1ce","session":"187x059612f7927356281f541490f68cfdd5","nodeType":"centos5","nodeid":3323,"actionkey":"restart;f92121ce8b6edd461a7b43e7afd6d1ce;centos5","charset":"UTF-8","hx_lang":"ru","ruk":"38aec691-912e-4e07-8d3e-tab365150","debug":{"startTime":1401963808168,"duration":16456,"headers":{"transfer-encoding":"chunked","connection":"Keep-Alive","keep-alive":"timeout=10, max=197","content-type":"text/plain; charset=utf-8","content-language":"ru-RU","access-control-allow-origin":"*","server":"nginx","date":"Thu, 05 Jun 2014 10:23:50 GMT"},"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0","method":"GET","retriesCount":0,"requestId":16,"httpStatus":200,"statusText":"OK","responseText":"{\"result\":99,\"source\":\"JEL\",\"error\":\"javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: VZAgent responded with error\"}","aborted":false,"timedout":false}}
1 smozjo@gmail.com readlog/write 705 user [959] don't have any access rights to app [61ca6691d22950260639bc4cb70d0b35] 05.06.2014 13:11:10 {"appid":"61ca6691d22950260639bc4cb70d0b35","session":"3bfxe2e106ffdc243755a16963d3194eb6fd","nodeid":9472,"path":"/var/log/httpd/dummy-host.jelastic.com-error_log","count":250,"charset":"UTF-8","hx_lang":"ru","ruk":"182ead9c-3436-4c7a-a6df-tab970523","debug":{"startTime":1401973735124,"duration":110,"headers":{"keep-alive":"timeout=10, max=200","connection":"Keep-Alive","access-control-allow-origin":"*","content-type":"text/plain; charset=utf-8","content-language":"ru-RU","transfer-encoding":"chunked","server":"nginx","date":"Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:11:10 GMT"},"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.117 Safari/537.36 SUSE/33.0.1750.117","method":"GET","retriesCount":0,"requestId":166,"httpStatus":200,"statusText":"OK","responseText":"{\"result\":705,\"source\":\"JEL\",\"error\":\"user [959] don't have any access rights to app [61ca6691d22950260639bc4cb70d0b35]\"}","aborted":false,"timedout":false}}

N Email
1 jandosov@gmail.com
2 ukosotnikov@mail.ru
3 smozjo@gmail.com

Active users: 113
Affected users: 3
Percent: 2,65%

Count of all active users: 146
Count of all affected users: 5
TOTAL: 3,42 %
= Result table =
Count Unic email Action Error code Error message Date
4 gderepas@staff.fasthit.net.au online@excelpublishing.co.uk kuly@layershift.com andrew@layershift.com getenvinfo/getstats/startenv 705 user [2552] don't have any access rights to app [45a3f6ff0287eae0dcee3b19de384c54] 30.05.2014 9:33:59
3 jeetukr.91@gmail.com dev@brightmachine.co.uk jonas.lincoln@di.se checkuser 99 Duplicate entry '1972-wizard-mode' for key 'PRIMARY' 03.06.2014 8:10:24
2 tom@poncho8.com robert@shiply.com getproject/write 4099 Container return error message: cat: /var/run/jem.pid: No such file or directory 03.06.2014 14:21:53
2 paulisman@centrum.sk billyone4ever@gmail.com deploy/deployapp 4060 Deploy failed remote failure Error occurred during deployment Exception while deploying the app [depad] WEB9032 Class cz.muni.fi.gate.svg.GateSvgBean has unsupported major or minor version numbers, which are greater than those found in the Java Runtime Environment version 1.6.0_45. Please see server.log for more details. Command deploy failed. Cannot unpack package 02.06.2014 19:11:46
1 info@skystars-electronic.com startenv 99 javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: VZAgent responded with error 31.05.2014 22:11:13
1 thiago.b@hostdime.com.br getvalidpaytypes 2207 error with communicate with CEBI remote host 03.06.2014 21:36:51
1 pragatigaikwad0711@gmail.com deletearchive 10002 archive not found 04.06.2014 16:33:43
1 ral876@hotmail.com urlupload 10002 incorrect file 03.06.2014 11:09:26
1 maksimshashurin@gmail.com uploadfiles 1702 script = UploadFiles not found 01.06.2014 22:20:01
1 thiago.b@hostdime.com.br getpaymethodlist 2207 com.hivext.api.server.billing.extern.cebi.exception.CebiGatewayException: error with communicate with CEBI remote host 03.06.2014 21:36:51
1 ahwan.monu@gmail.com confirmlinkrequest 3 authorization key is not valid 03.06.2014 4:19:19
1 sandro_erick20@yahoo.com.br registerpaymethodandpay 2207 CebiException: invalid pay method registration URL 05.06.2014 17:27:22
1 Admin@isvenmediacion.com removeextdomain 2322 domain [www.cursos.innovafor.com] not found. 02.06.2014 15:53:36
1 abj@sshtrial.eu createenv->addNode(centos6)/createenvironment->addNode(centos6) 99 Could not execute JDBC batch update; SQL [insert into file_permissions_file_filter (file_permissions_id, filters_id) values (?, ?)]; constraint [null]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Could not execute JDBC batch update 01.06.2014 16:17:49
1 unknown email recoverpassword 601 javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses; nested exception is: com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPAddressFailedException: 554 5.7.1 : Recipient address rejected: Access denied 03.06.2014 4:53:27
1 max.charas@bonniernews.se confirmlinkrequest 710 Users already linked 03.06.2014 7:23:30
1 reallancezenislev@gmail.com urlupload 10001 file not found 04.06.2014 23:51:06